Sunday, August 19, 2012

Statistical Tests

  • The purpose of statistical tests are to make decisions about the qualitative data collected. They help make the data of the hypothesized experiment more meaningful by calculating an average. 
  • To perform the statistical tests on the data I collected first I calculated the average temperature and respiration rate for each fish when the water was normal and decreased. Then I used those averages to calculate the total averages for the water temperature and respiration rate combined for all the fish. 
  • To do this I referred back to my data tables. For example, for fish 1 i added up all of the temperatures for the three days it experienced room temperature water and divided the total by 3 to calculate the average temperature for the three days. I followed this same pattern for all of the fish. Then when I finally was able to calculate my total average I added up the three averages I collected and divided by three.
  • This is how I calculated the averages for each fish for the 3 days it experienced the different water conditions:
Water Temperaure                                    Respiration Rate
Fish 1: (23.5+24.0+24.0)/3= 23.8 degrees C     Fish 1:(96+132+148)/3= 125.3 BPM
Fish 2: (24.0+24.0+24.5)/3= 24.2 degrees C     Fish 2:(108+148+144)/3= 133.3 BPM
Fish 3: (23.5+24.0+24.5)/3= 24.0 degrees C     Fish 3:(92+152+116)/3= 120.0 BPM 

Decreased Water Temperature                    Decreased Respiration Rate
Fish 1: (13.5+14.5+11.5)/3= 13.2 degrees C           Fish 1: (84+72+76)/3= 77.3 BPM      
Fish 2: (13.5+12.5+12.0)/3= 12.7 degrees C           Fish 2: (56+68+56)/3= 60.0 BPM
Fish 3: (12.5+14.0+12.0)/3= 24.0 degrees C              Fish 3: (80+68+68)/3= 72.0 BPM
  • To then calculate the total averages I added up each of the individual averages collected for each fish and divided by 3. 
Water Temperature
(23.8+24.2+24.0)/3= 24.0 degrees C

Respiration Rate
(125.3+133.3+120.0)/3= 126.2 BPM

Decreased Water Temperature: 
(13.2+12.7+24.0)/3= 12.9 degrees C

Decreased Respiration Rate:
(77.3+60.0+72.0)/3= 69.8 BPM

Tables of my statistical tests are shown below: 

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